The exercise "Superman" restores the muscles of the upper body and helps to develop harmonious forms. The correct technique for doing the . "Superman": working muscles and technique Lie face down on the floor or training mat, your arms in front of you. This is your starting position. At the same time, tear yourlegs and chest the floor and hold this position for 2 seconds. Tip: Tighten your lower back to get the most out of your exercise.
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The correct technique for performing exercise. Alternating Sibutros 15 for Sale Online in UK dumbbells in front of you: working muscles and technique Take the dumbbells and stand straight. Hands with dumbbells in front of you at the level of the hips. The palms are turned to the body. This is the starting position. On Proscalpin for Sale Online in UK exhale, keeping the body motionless (no jerking or wiggling), your left hand in front of to parallel with the floor. The elbow is slightly bent, and the palm is facing down. Hold a second. Lowering the left hand to its original position, simultaneously raise the right. Continue to lift the dumbbells alternately.
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Bend your knees slightly. the handles the v-neck and pull it towards you, holding it on outstretched arms. Straighten up. This will be your starting position. Keep the body stationary, while exhaling, pull the handles toward you until you touch the abdominal press. During the exercise, press against the body and take your elbows as far back as possible.