Injectable Steroids

Magnum Test-Prop 100 for Sale Online in UK

Magnum Test-Prop 100 for Sale Online in UK

  • Substance: Testosterone propionate
  • Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
  • Pack: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)
GBP 24.00

Wide grip barbell lying on horizontal bench: working muscles and technique Lie on the bench. Feet on the floor. the barbell with a wide grip with your palms forward (about 12-15 cm wider than shoulder width) and remove it from the rack.

Magnum Test-R 200 for Sale Online in UK

Magnum Test-R 200 for Sale Online in UK

  • Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
  • Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
  • Pack: 10 ampoules (200mg/ml)
GBP 32.00

This is the starting position. As you exhale, your arms the sides approximately parallel to the floor, elbows at shoulder level. Tip: Keep your arms perpendicular to your body throughout the exercise. At the top of the movement, linger for a second. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells.

Magnum Tren-E 200 for Sale Online in UK

Magnum Tren-E 200 for Sale Online in UK

  • Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
  • Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
  • Pack: 5 ampoules (200mg/ml)
GBP 43.00

What exercise to pump the latissimus dorsi muscles quickly. Pull-ups (butterfly stroke) forms the muscles of the upper body and helps to develop harmonious . The correct technique for the exercise. Pull-ups: working muscles and technique Quick

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