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Repeat many times as necessary. Warning: make sure the floor is not slippery. Until you have enough experience, ask someone to insure you. Narrow palm push-ups: working muscles and technique Push-ups a narrow palm rest: working muscles and technique. What exercise pump the triceps muscle of the shoulder quickly. Push-ups with a narrow focus by the palms forms the of the upper body and helps to develop harmonious forms.
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As you exhale, lift the barbell in a semicircular motion until your touches your biceps. Tighten your biceps as much 100 Sale Online in UK possible and linger for a second. Tip: Do not bend your back or sway during exercise. Only the forearms work. As you inhale, slowly return to starting position. Repeat the recommended number of times. Options: this exercise can be performed with medium wide grip, as well as using dumbbells or in a block simulator. Wide-grip hand flexion: working muscles and technique Wide-grip hand flexion: working muscles and technique.