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Make distance between them equal to the width of the shoulders. Your palms should still be pointing towards eachand your arms should be fully extended and perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position. Bend your elbows slightly to prevent bicep tension. As you inhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides along a wide until you feel a stretch in the chest area. Tip: keep in mind that only shoulders should move, but not hands. On exhalation, return to the starting position, Pharma Sust 300 for Sale Online in UK maintaining tension in muscles. Tip: make sure that your hands move along the same path. Pause a second, then Soma-Max for Sale Online in UK the exercise as many as necessary.
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you can perform the exercise while sitting on a bench with or
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inclined bench forms the muscles of the upper body and helps develop harmonious forms. The correct technique for performing the exercise. Alternating lifting dumbbells on an inclined bench: working muscles and technique Sit on an inclined bench, take dumbbells with a neutral grip and hold on outstretched arms. Keep your elbows near the body. This is the starting position. Keeping your shoulder motionless, as you exhale, bend your at the elbow.