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Keep your forearms fixed - the exercise is performed only by the wrists. Repeat the recommended number times. Variations: exercise can be performed 1. Sitting, using the hips as support for the forearms (in Modafin for Sale Online in UK case, the wrists will hang from the. With dumbbells instead of a barbell. Bending the wrists with the dumbbells, palms down: working muscles and technique Bending the wrists with the dumbbells, palms down: working muscles and performance technique. What exercise to the muscles of the forearm quickly. Bending the wrists with the dumbbells, palms down, forms the muscles of body and helps to develop Modafin for Sale Online Pharma Bold 500 for Sale Online in UK UK forms. The correct technique for performing the exercise. Flexion of the wrists with the dumbbells, palms down: working muscles and technique Lay the dumbbells on the floor in front of the horizontal bench.